Wood Vibe Blog Posts

Decor trend: How to integrate wooden acoustic p...
Find out how to add wooden acoustic panels to your decoration and thus improve the aesthetics and comfort of your interior.
Decor trend: How to integrate wooden acoustic p...
Find out how to add wooden acoustic panels to your decoration and thus improve the aesthetics and comfort of your interior.

Wood Vibe: The decor trend that combines design...
Discover Wood Vibe, the decor trend combining design and acoustic treatment for a modern and soothing interior in just 160 characters.
Wood Vibe: The decor trend that combines design...
Discover Wood Vibe, the decor trend combining design and acoustic treatment for a modern and soothing interior in just 160 characters.

3 benefits that Acoupanneau brings to your home.
You're not sure if you absolutely need an Acoupanneau in your home? In this blog post, I would like to share three reasons why you should definitely have one in...
3 benefits that Acoupanneau brings to your home.
You're not sure if you absolutely need an Acoupanneau in your home? In this blog post, I would like to share three reasons why you should definitely have one in...

10 innovative ways to use wooden strips in your...
Discover 10 innovative ways to use wooden strips to improve your interior and add style to your living space.
10 innovative ways to use wooden strips in your...
Discover 10 innovative ways to use wooden strips to improve your interior and add style to your living space.

How do I determine how many panels I need?
Things to say before you start: You won't get a great acoustic environment by just installing one or two panels in a room (unless it's a very small room), if...
How do I determine how many panels I need?
Things to say before you start: You won't get a great acoustic environment by just installing one or two panels in a room (unless it's a very small room), if...

How to make a strip wall on placo?
Do you want to install battens on a placo support? This is a simplified tutorial, without cutting! Here's how to make a strip wall , with ready-to-use Acoupanneaux! First of...
How to make a strip wall on placo?
Do you want to install battens on a placo support? This is a simplified tutorial, without cutting! Here's how to make a strip wall , with ready-to-use Acoupanneaux! First of...